Vestibulum dictum, purus et euismod pharetra, mi purus rutrum massa, sed consectetur ipsum ipsum in nisl. Nullam eget ante sit amet urna vulputate egestas. Donec congue egestas nisl varius bibendum. In ut venenatis sem. Nunc orci massa, aliquet id vestibulum vel, tristique sit amet est. Aenean a justo mollis, dictum nisl a, consectetur mi.
It is distributed almost everywhere. The geography of animal husbandry is primarily determined by the place ment of livestock. Cattle. This branch of animal husba ndry is developed in most countries of the world, mainly in the forest, forest-steppe zones of the temperate zone. The largest cattle breeding area in the world is the Argentine pampa. In some parts of the United States, Canada, Australia, large-scale “meat factories” have emerged.
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It is distributed almost everywhere. The geography of animal husbandry is primarily determined by the place ment of livestock. Cattle. This branch of animal husba ndry is developed in most countries of the world, mainly in the forest, forest-steppe zones of the temperate zone. The largest cattle breeding area in the world is the Argentine pampa. In some parts of the United States, Canada, Australia, large-scale “meat factories” have emerged.
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